Seacrest Park

Seacrest Park

Washington, USA West
Entry Map
Viz (last reported 133566h ago)
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Snorkeling and Scuba Diving at Seacrest Park

Seacrest Park is perhaps the most popular dive site in Seattle. You'll find dive classes here most every weekend, so take a day off from work and dive this site mid week. And definitely plan a night dive here! Just South of downtown Seattle, take the West Seattle Bridge to hop over to West Seattle. Just before the bridge ends, make a right onto Harbor Ave SW. Drive for about a mile to the North, and you'll see the landmarks in the photos.
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Tide Report
Sep 21, 2021, 1:06 AM
This is a view just south of the entry point. The beach is mostly gravel, so it's an easy trek to the water's edge. There is plenty of roadside parking just adjacent to the cove. Another cove at the South end of the park. The wreck of the Honey Bear is off the buoy straight out from the beach.
Derek Hermsen
Derek Hermsen
Jul 27, 2009, 12:00 AM
Seacrest Cove 2 on 7-26-09 at 5:00pm. Visibility was incredible; 50'+. Had the park pretty much to ourselves since it was afternoon. Played with a Red Octopus the size of a golfball at about 40' on the south side of the park toward Cove 3. It was just hiding in perfect (almost) camo in the open on the muck. Also saw California Cucumbers, Painted Greenlings, various rockfish and soles, Opalescent and Frosted Nudis, Plumose anemones, various crabs, algaes, stars, worms.
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Derek Hermsen
Derek Hermsen
Jul 20, 2009, 12:00 AM
Cove 1, Seacrest, July 19, 2009. No showers here, but less people. There is a silty bottom at the entry due to an overflow run-off pipe which blasts out water all the time. Flounders/sole, and Copper Rockfish were pretty much the only fish. Coonstripe shrimps, a few California Sea Cucumbers, Opalescent Nudis, Red Sea Cucumber, White-Ringed Ribbon worm, Red-Trumpet Calcareous tubeworms, Decorator Crab, Red Rock Crab, anemones, and lots of sea lettuce and brown algaes. Easy entry and the visibility was incredible yesterday!
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Mike WIlson
Mike WIlson
Oct 24, 2007, 12:00 AM
Cove 1 and Cove 2, training dives. Visibility was 15', saw large Sea Cucumber, 15" Lingcod, Dungeness and rock crabs (some keepers too). Several small Tiger Rock fish, a couple keeper Black Rock fish. South end of cove 2, just out from tall piling, is the beams, full of large white anemone, very beautiful. Was very busy with classes. Probably 30 divers there over the course of the morning.
Originally posted on
Jan 4, 2007, 12:00 AM
Alki Cove 2 and Edmonds Underwater Park are my most dived spots. My last dive at cove 2 (12-10-06) was a night dive, and my buddy and I got to play with a harbor seal! Well, (s)he got to eat fish we so kindly illuminated with our lights, so that's what we would like to think. Fun little guy, like a puppy dog. I usually surface swim to the buoy and drop down, then go out to the I-beams (pretty white things all over them…gosh I am terrible with correct names of species), come back and hit the honey bear (35ish fsw). If you are lucky, you might find the resident octo. Or, as some German (I believe) video guy said, the female is gone, but the male is around (about 8 feet) watching the eggs, so keep an eye out for new guys. Anywho, it is a fun site. Watch out on the weekends. We usually go on a weeknight and search for an underwater friend.
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Ray of Bellingham
Ray of Bellingham
Mar 29, 2006, 12:00 AM
Did my second two certification dives here. Had a great time. The vis was poor early on, but I'm willing to take blame for that as I'm sure I was stirring it up. We were there on the weekend, and it was very busy. I hear it's better during the week.
Originally posted on
Feb 22, 2006, 12:00 AM
A good all around site with 3 coves to choose from. Cove 3, north of the water taxi dock, is used most often for classes. Cove 2 is the best all around dive with a lot to see. Cove 1 is less used and has the least amount to see.
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Steve Brown
Steve Brown
May 22, 2004, 12:00 AM
Great place to night dive!
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Edward J. Palumbo
Edward J. Palumbo
Dec 14, 2003, 12:00 AM
This site offers easy access and egress, toilet & changing facilities nearby, convenient parking, food and drink nearby, and it is not current intensive. I am comfortable in recommending the site for recently certified divers. Interference with the water taxi is easily avoided by turning right (south) after entry. I witnessed two divers, members of an AOW class, surface swimming directly in the path of the taxi, requiring it to come to a stop. That thoughtlessness could eliminate this as a dive site. Bring a safety float & flag. The marine environment is well-populated with rockfish, and the pilings are covered with plumose anemones. Water temp on my last visit (June) was 52-53 degrees F. Visibility varied on my visits. Initially limited at 12-15 feet, a subsequent visit provided >25ft and good photo opportunities. Burdened by gear, footing to and from the water on the sloped surface was complicated by slippery round stones. I enjoy this site and recommend it for all experience levels.
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Brian Wiederspan
Brian Wiederspan
Dec 2, 2003, 12:00 AM
There truly is something for everyone at this site. This site is not current sensitive, so you will find lots and lots of open water classes here on the weekends. There's the "Honey Bear", a small boat wreck where you can usually find an octopus or two hanging out in at only 45fsw or so. There's the I-beams which are between about 85fsw to 100fsw, and there's always the boundary line as well. A nice tour that starts in Cove 2 and ends in Cove 3. Watch your air should you take the boundary line tour. You'll be at 100-110fsw for quite some time, often going into deco. Saw my only six gill shark here. As someone else mentioned, this is one of the best places in the world to see six gill sharks. Be careful not to venture inside the boundary line. It marks off the water taxi path and the city has threatened to close this area to diving due to divers invading the water taxi path.
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Sea Bat
Sea Bat
Nov 10, 2003, 12:00 AM
A fun site. The pilings in the north cove are fun to swim around (both the vertical ones and the ones on the bottom). Above 45 ft the pilings are the main attraction. The bottom at that depth is mostly sand with "years" of old kelp covering it. The south cove has more rubble. Lots of manmade junk to look into. Sea life is as described in other posts. As I like macro photography I am never disappointed diving here. Be careful of the jellyfish migration during the year. I have seen over 30 lions manes in one dive, only "stung" once though. On weekends, finding a parking space after 9:00 am is iffy with all the classes. Entry/exit is easy on both coves unless the tide is out. Then the gravel seems like walking on marbles after a dive. After your done there's the crab house on the fishing pier and a great tea house across the street for something to eat. A scuba shop is about 1-1/2 miles to the south if you need more air.
Originally posted on
Aug 16, 2002, 12:00 AM
This is an OK dive for beginners. Not too challenging, but not SUPER interesting.
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Don Shingler
Don Shingler
Nov 29, 2001, 12:00 AM
This is an all around great dive. It can be dove at any time as current is not an issue in this protected harbor. You really have to do a lot of exploring to see it all. I have over 100 dives in just this one spot. Sometimes as many as 4 giant pacific octos on 1 dive. Not to mention the best spot in the world to find the rare six-gill shark. With an agreement worked out with the city, there is no diving within 150ft of the dock (small passenger ferry uses it). But thanks to the work of a dedicated groups of scuba divers, there is a fantastic rope boundary around it. Just following the rope is a great dive. Check out Seacrest, you wont be disappointed. Also, there are bays on either side that are great dives as well.
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