Top Snorkeling and Scuba Diving in Liguria

Ready to check out the best sites in Liguria for scuba diving, snorkeling, shore diving, free diving or other ocean activities? Zentacle has 37 dive sites, snorkel spots, beaches, and more. Discover hand-curated maps, along with reviews and photos from nature lovers like you. No matter what you're looking for, you can find a diverse range of the best ocean activities in Liguria to suit your needs.
Liguria dive site map

#1 - Tirpitz

Italy, Liguria, Sanremo

Tirpitz is a 0-star rated scuba dive and snorkel destination in Italy, Liguria, Sanremo which is accessible from shore based on 0 ratings.
Relitto dello Schooner

#2 - Relitto dello Schooner

Italy, Liguria, Portofino Marine Park

The remains of the wreck of the schooner, a sailing ship in the first half of the twentieth century, are placed about 40 meters. More or less in front of the Grotto of Colombara.
Relitto Cargo Armato

#3 - Relitto Cargo Armato

Italy, Liguria, Portofino Marine Park

Relitto Cargo Armato is also known as UJ 2207.
Cristo Redentore della Gallinara

#4 - Cristo Redentore della Gallinara

Italy, Liguria

The statue of Cristo was positioned the 29 septembers 1998.

#5 - Colombara

Italy, Liguria, Portofino Marine Park

The Colombara is a great dive because of the swim through caverns. The first cavern at 36 metres is a long vertical wall then on the way back there are two swim throughs with Margherita de Mare (parazoanthus) and lobster and at the end an exciting siphon which starts at 20 metres; you can surface inside the cavern and see the stalactites which is amazing. In front of San Fruttuoso. Colombara is also known as Grotta della Colombara.
Mohawk deer

#6 - Mohawk deer

Italy, Liguria, Portofino Marine Park

Mohawk deer wreck
Secca delle stelle

#7 - Secca delle stelle

Italy, Liguria

Many Parazoanthus axinellae, Conger conger, Flabellina affinis, Peltodoris atromaculata; sometimes you can find also Lophius piscatorius and Mola mola. A very accessible diving site, good also for night diving. Reef lays at about 13 to 28 metres, 600 metres from the coast in front of Finale Ligure.

#8 - Canyon

Italy, Liguria, Sanremo

In front of Santo Stefano al Mare Canyon is also known as Secca Santo Stefano.
Relitto del Genova

#9 - Relitto del Genova

Italy, Liguria, Portofino Marine Park

The Genoa was an Italian-built cargo launched in 1904 and sunk on July 27, 1917. It lies at a depth ranging between 45 and 61 meters, it is therefore immersion technique is not recommended for recreational divers.

#10 - Ratteghe

Italy, Liguria

There are remains of a wooden wreck that sank in the late 19. century Training site, perfect for Try Scuba and OWD courses
Il Dragone

#11 - Il Dragone

Italy, Liguria, Portofino Marine Park

Il Dragone is a 0-star rated scuba dive and snorkel destination in Italy, Liguria, Portofino Marine Park which is accessible from shore based on 0 ratings.
Relitto del Croesus

#12 - Relitto del Croesus

Italy, Liguria, Portofino Marine Park

Sunk in April 28, 1855 following a fire and then recovered later. It can still find remains at about 18 meters deep.
Relitto del Mohawk Deer

#13 - Relitto del Mohawk Deer

Italy, Liguria, Portofino Marine Park

The wreck is a cargo ship launched in 1896 and sunk on 5 November 1967 during the return to port for scrapping. The dive starts at around 18 meters and reaches about 50 meters. Relitto del Mohawk Deer is also known as Mohawk Deer Wreck.
Faro di Portofino

#14 - Faro di Portofino

Italy, Liguria, Portofino Marine Park

Faro di Portofino is a 0-star rated scuba dive and snorkel destination in Italy, Liguria, Portofino Marine Park which is accessible from shore based on 0 ratings.
Il Cristo Degli Abissi

#15 - Il Cristo Degli Abissi

Italy, Liguria, Portofino Marine Park

Sculptor: Guido Galletti Sunken date: 1954 The statue is in the middle of the bay. Best is to visit her, and continue the dive to the east. San Fruttuoso di Camogli is located approx 40 kilometers east from Genoa. Il Cristo Degli Abissi is also known as The Christ of the Abyss.
franata di corniglia

#16 - franata di corniglia

Italy, Liguria

Liguria, La Spezia. National Park of Cinque Terre franata di corniglia is also known as franata di corniglia.
Il panettone

#17 - Il panettone

Italy, Liguria

Il panettone is also known as il panettone.
Relitto dell'Ischia

#18 - Relitto dell'Ischia

Italy, Liguria, Portofino Marine Park

The wreck of the merchant Ischia was sunk in February 28th, 1943 by a British submarine. The wreck lies on the seabed at a depth of 90 meters, so it is visited only by teck divers. Offshore, near Punta Chiappa.
Scoglio Quadro

#19 - Scoglio Quadro

Italy, Liguria, Sanremo

South of San Remo. Scoglio Quadro is also known as Quadro.

#20 - BR20

Italy, Liguria, Sanremo

BR20 is a 0-star rated scuba dive and snorkel destination in Italy, Liguria, Sanremo which is accessible from shore based on 0 ratings.
Chiesa di San Giorgio

#21 - Chiesa di San Giorgio

Italy, Liguria, Portofino Marine Park

Chiesa di San Giorgio is a 0-star rated scuba dive and snorkel destination in Italy, Liguria, Portofino Marine Park which is accessible from shore based on 0 ratings.
Il Canalone

#22 - Il Canalone

Italy, Liguria

Isola di Bergeggi, Torre del Mare Il Canalone is also known as Isola di Bergeggi.
Punta Sciusciaù

#23 - Punta Sciusciaù

Italy, Liguria

Punta Sciusciaù is also known as Punta Sciuscia.
Secca Marassi

#24 - Secca Marassi

Italy, Liguria

By boat Secca Marassi is also known as Rendano.
La Grotta Dei Gamberi

#25 - La Grotta Dei Gamberi

Italy, Liguria, Portofino Marine Park

Tonino's favourite dive is "La Grotta Dei Gamberi" (The Cavern of the Shrimps) because of its abundance of pelagic animals like the tuna, big groupers and dentix. He also loves the smaller animals – this dive is called after the massive families of white shrimps which live here. In front of the cave is a mountain which goes from 30 metres down to to 45 covered with beautiful red coral and violet sea fan encrusted with eggs from the Gattucio di Mare (spotted catshark). Eastern side of Punta Chiappa
Milford Haven Wreck

#26 - Milford Haven Wreck

Italy, Liguria

The biggest Wreck in the mediteranean sea. The Tanker Amoco Milford haven sunk the 14 April 1991. The supertanker Haven was launched in Cadiz during 1973: she was 335m-long, 52m-wide, with a maximum capacity of 230000 tons The complete name of the tanker was Amoco Milford Haven and a true spell was over the Haven and its sister-ships: the Haven itself had a throubled life: she was seriously damaged by a missile in the Persian gulf during the Iran-Iraq war; the Amoco Cadiz sunk off the coasts of Brittany in 1978, causing a horrible ecologic disaster; the Maria Alejandra exploded off the coasts of Mauretania in 1980; and the Mycene exploded and sunk off Senegal coasts. On April 11, 1991, the Haven was anchored off Genova Multedo harbour: an explosion occourred in a tank and the Captain and four men of the crew died. A tug tried to tow the tanker closer to the coast, but the bow was broken off and sunk: now it lies at a depth of -490m. After three days and a series of explosions, the Haven sunk on April 14. The wreck lies in perfect navigation trim on a sandy bottom at a depth of -85m, but the upper part of the structure reachs -32m: the funnel has been dismantled because it was dangerous for navigation. The Haven is very popular among local scuba divers (the ship is by far the largest wreck in Mediterranean suitable for diving), but the dive is considered not easy: after some deadly accidents, the Harbour Authorities issued severe regulations for scuba diving. the easiest way is to ask a local dive center Position: 1.2 miles off Arenzano
Il Pifferaio

#27 - Il Pifferaio

Italy, Liguria

Attention: Marine Park since 2007, ACCESS WITH RESTRICTIONS. Il Pifferaio is also known as Isola di Bergeggi.
Capo Noli

#28 - Capo Noli

Italy, Liguria

Capo Noli is also known as Capo Noli.
Rimorchiatore Colosso

#29 - Rimorchiatore Colosso

Italy, Liguria, Monterosso al Mare

Rimorchiatore Colosso is also known as Vittoria.

#30 - Croce

Italy, Liguria, Sanremo

Cross Croce is also known as Secca Santo Stefano.
Secca del Garage

#31 - Secca del Garage

Italy, Liguria

Punta Mesco

#32 - Punta Mesco

Italy, Liguria, Monterosso al Mare

It's a protected marine area. Only authorized dive centers can enter

#33 - Tinetto

Italy, Liguria, La Spezia

From the Rock you can choose to go eastbound or westbound either.
Grotta Dell'Eremita

#34 - Grotta Dell'Eremita

Italy, Liguria, Portofino Marine Park

Grotta Dell'Eremita is also known as Grotta Eremita.
La Chiatta

#35 - La Chiatta

Italy, Liguria

Near Genova harbor. La Chiatta is also known as Relitto della Chiatta, Chiatta wreck.

#36 - Isuela

Italy, Liguria, Portofino Marine Park

Isuela is a 0-star rated scuba dive and snorkel destination in Italy, Liguria, Portofino Marine Park which is accessible from shore based on 0 ratings.
Secca Gonzatti

#37 - Secca Gonzatti

Italy, Liguria, Portofino Marine Park

Secca Gonzatti is also known as Punta Carega.