Top Snorkeling and Scuba Diving in French Polynesia

Ready to check out the best sites in French Polynesia for scuba diving, snorkeling, shore diving, free diving or other ocean activities? Zentacle has 35 dive sites, snorkel spots, beaches, and more. Discover hand-curated maps, along with reviews and photos from nature lovers like you. No matter what you're looking for, you can find a diverse range of the best ocean activities in French Polynesia to suit your needs.
French Polynesia dive site map
Tiputa Pass (Shark's Cave)

#1 - Tiputa Pass (Shark's Cave)

French Polynesia, Tuamotu, Rangiroa

One of the best drift-dive in the world!!! Sharks, sharks and more sharks... Northwest of the Tiputa pass.
Hotel Kia Ora Beach

#2 - Hotel Kia Ora Beach

South Pacific, Pacific

Excellent snorkeling site. Shallow, sandy, with coral mounds, giant morays, several types of stingrays, large number and types of fish. Only a few miles west from the airport, Rangiroa, French Polynesia

#3 - Haapiti

French Polynesia, Society, Bora Bora

It is not a deep trench but full of black tip sharks, big fish and butterfly fish. The dive is very calm although the ocean might be rough Access via boat to the ocean facing the Motu.
The Marado

#4 - The Marado

French Polynesia, Society, Tahiti

Great wall with gorgonians since 20m deep. Napoleonfish, white tip sharks and some moray eels in open water. Southwest side of Tahiti Iti, between Vairao and PK10.
Mahara motu

#5 - Mahara motu

French Polynesia, Society, Huahine

All the lagoon in front of the hotel is interesting. Starting from the channel (leopard rays) to the reef (lionfishes, surgeon fishes, etc.). Take care of the numerous urchins in the lagoon ! This motu is located on the NE side of Huaine, just fron of an hotel. Enter the lagoon by the Tiare pass, and go to the north by a small channel. The hotel is located at the end of the channel. The dive site starts from the end of the channel to the outer reef.
West Point

#6 - West Point

French Polynesia, Tuamotu, Manihi

The visibility is incredible (> 50m !!!). Marine life is great including sea turtles, grey sharks and blacktip sharks, barracudas and groupers, jacks and trigger fish... Just west from the airport.
Safari Aquarium

#7 - Safari Aquarium

French Polynesia, Society, Huahine

The SW part of Huaine is an outstanding place for free diving and snorkeling. Many corals scattered into a shallow lagoon. It's an outstanding place for macro-photographers ! This site is in fact a large lagoon area located SW of Huaine, in front of Avea bay.
Tairapa Pass

#8 - Tairapa Pass

French Polynesia, Tuamotu, Manihi

Great "drift dive" through the in-coming current with Tuna, Barracudas, grey sharks, blacktip sharks, jacks, napoléon wrasse, trigger fish, morey eels, groupers and of course manta and eagle rays. Tairapa is the only pass of Manihi, located on the southwest side of the atoll. Tairapa Pass is also known as From the wall to the circus.
Miri-Miri and Roses

#9 - Miri-Miri and Roses

French Polynesia, Society, Raiatea Tahaa

Excellent dive ! Many sharks (black tip), some turtles, and fantastic corals (Roses shapes). One of the best dive of Raïatea. North from Rautoanui pass, on the West side of Raïatea.

#10 - Tapu

French Polynesia, Society, Bora Bora

Many sharks in this area. Both because of the shark-feeding, and cos of the pass proximity. W side of Bora Bora. NW of the Tapu motu (outer reef). S of the Teavanui pass.
The Circus

#11 - The Circus

French Polynesia, Tuamotu, Manihi

This is the place to meet Mantas. They used to swin within 10m of water all year long! This is also a good dive to meet napoleon wrass, black-tip sharks, and eagle rays. The circus dive site is located just between the Tairapa pass and the lagoon. The Circus is also known as Le cirque.

#12 - Tupitipiti

French Polynesia, Society, Bora Bora

One of the best dive of Bora, but unfortunately a bit far. Great coral structures below 30m. Occasionaly, you may see Humpback whale (middle of august until september). SE of Bora Bora (outer reef). S of Piti Aau motu. It takes between 45 min and 1 hour to get there. That's why this dive is not often proposed. Tupitipiti is also known as The Wall, The labyrinth, Tupititi.
Tetopa Grotto

#13 - Tetopa Grotto

French Polynesia, Society, Tahiti

The cave entrance is at 8m deep, then goes up to 2m deep. Many lobsters and glass-fish. Take care of the swell !!! Tetopa pass, Tahiti Iti.
The cargo ship & The Catalina

#14 - The cargo ship & The Catalina

French Polynesia, Society, Tahiti

Two wrecks for this dive site: - The Cargo ship: A 30m long cargo, 25m deep max. - The Catalina: A two engine aircraft, sunk in 1964 as an artificial reef. NW of Tahiti island. Just beside of the airport. There is a mooring buoy there.
The Faults of Arue

#15 - The Faults of Arue

French Polynesia, Society, Tahiti

Very nice cracks and roofs with a nice marine life (gorgonians, surgeonfishs, etc.). Take care of the swell the first 10 first meters... Matavai bay
Avatoru Pass

#16 - Avatoru Pass

French Polynesia, Tuamotu, Rangiroa

Less interresting than Tiputa, but a good dive. East side of the Avatoru pass
The Drop Off

#17 - The Drop Off

French Polynesia, Tuamotu, Manihi

Incredible wall running down to 1500 m !!! Many different marine species including barracudas, grey sharks, blacktip and whitetip sharks, napoleon wrasse, trigger fish and large school tang surgeon fish and snappers... Southwest corner of Tairapa pass.
Teavapiti pass

#18 - Teavapiti pass

French Polynesia, Society, Raiatea Tahaa

Some sharks (white tip, grey, black tip), barracudas, napoleon fish, surgeonfishes, triggerfishes, etc. Teavapiti pass is located at the East side of Raïatea, SE from Uturoa.
The Spring

#19 - The Spring

French Polynesia, Society, Tahiti

Northwest of Tahiti, out of Punaauia The Spring is also known as Fresh Water Springs.
St Etienne Drop-Off

#20 - St Etienne Drop-Off

French Polynesia, Society, Tahiti

Nice corals structures (around 15m deep). Reef species. NW of Tahiti Island, out of Punuaaiua (N of Taipari pass, outer reef). Get Saint Etienne church as a landmark.
The Break

#21 - The Break

French Polynesia, Tuamotu, Manihi

This is a large break in the reef where sometime dive center plan some shark feeding that attracts reef sharks (black-tip, white-tip, grey). On the south side, between the Tairapa pass and the soutwest point of Manihi. The Break is also known as La faille.
Muri Muri

#22 - Muri Muri

French Polynesia, Society, Bora Bora

This is a great spot to dive with sharks. The wall starts around 30m. If you are lucky, you may also see some turtles. Take care of the current, it may be strong in this area. N side of Mute motu (Bora Bora airport). Paharire point. Muri Muri is also known as The white valley, Shark point.
Radio Whisky

#23 - Radio Whisky

French Polynesia, Society, Tahiti

Gentle slope to 15m then a wall to 50m! SW of Tahiti island. In the axis of the Faa Airport' landing strip. There is an airplane radio station named PW!
Eagle-rays' station

#24 - Eagle-rays' station

French Polynesia, Society, Bora Bora

This is a typical snorkeling dive. This spot is a sanctuary of eagle-rays. You can see and swim with many of them. Bottom is a sandy floor. SW of Bora Bora, in the S part of the lagoon.
Nuhi Nuhi

#25 - Nuhi Nuhi

French Polynesia, Tuamotu, Rangiroa

Sharks, Mantas, and a very nice collection of reef life. West side of the motu, just south of the Tiputa pass. Nuhi Nuhi is also known as The Aquarium.
Lagoon Hole

#26 - Lagoon Hole

French Polynesia, Society, Tahiti

In front of Toahotu, Tahiti Iti.
Piti Un Uta motu

#27 - Piti Un Uta motu

French Polynesia, Society, Bora Bora

This is a typical snorkeling dive. Usually, some guys from nearest hotel come for some feeding. There are many reef fishes. SW side of Bora Bora lagoon. S of Piti Un Uta motu.
Avapeihi pass

#28 - Avapeihi pass

French Polynesia, Society, Huahine

An interesting dive, with a lot of sharks (mostly white tip, and grey sharks) and some rays. No shark feeding is done on this site, so you will really see natural shark behaviour. Dive site is only few minutes from Fare, NW of Huahine island. Avapeihi pass is also known as Fitii pass.
The Aquarium

#29 - The Aquarium

French Polynesia, Society, Tahiti

This is a very popular dive site. A Cesnas plane has been put there (7m deep), as well as two small boats (10m and 14m deep). NW of Tahiti, into the lagoon. Just close to Tahiti international airport and Beachcomber hotel.

#30 - Anau

French Polynesia, Society, Bora Bora

Dive Manta rays at Anau! There are usually 5 to 10 manta rays in this channel. Don't touch them. Best period to dive with mantas is may to december. Into Bora-Bora lagoon. E of Fitiiu point, NE of Anau.
The Mounts of Céran

#31 - The Mounts of Céran

French Polynesia, Society, Raiatea Tahaa

Dive down the pass at 32 m deep, and find the long peak in the middle of the pass. Stay at the top en enjoy the view ! The reef at the bottom is not very interesting, only Yellow sylaster (hydroids) are coloured... This site is located into the Toahotu pass, at the east site of Taha island. The two small islands around around the pass, called motu in Tahitian, are absolutely fantastic.
Cite corail

#32 - Cite corail

French Polynesia, Society, Huahine

Nice site with coral pylons and some urchins. From fare
Toopua Iti

#33 - Toopua Iti

French Polynesia, Society, Bora Bora

There is in fact two differet dive sites: Toopua and Toopua Iti. Usually, this is done in one single drift dive. There are many eagle-rays and colorfull reef fishes. Nice dive. SW side of Bora Bora lagoon. S of Toopua Iti motu. Toopua Iti is also known as Toopua.
Tiputa Pass (The Valley)

#34 - Tiputa Pass (The Valley)

French Polynesia, Tuamotu, Rangiroa

Same sharks profile + Hammerhead sharks may be seen ner 40m deep. East side of the Tiputa Pass, close to the Tiputa village. Tiputa Pass (The Valley) is also known as Tiputa East.
The channel

#35 - The channel

French Polynesia, Tuamotu, Fakarava

Easy jump from the diving pier from Tetamanu Village only with incoming current.