Top Snorkeling and Scuba Diving in City of Cape Town Metropolitan Municipality

Ready to check out the best sites in City of Cape Town Metropolitan Municipality for scuba diving, snorkeling, shore diving, free diving or other ocean activities? Zentacle has 21 dive sites, snorkel spots, beaches, and more. Discover hand-curated maps, along with reviews and photos from nature lovers like you. No matter what you're looking for, you can find a diverse range of the best ocean activities in City of Cape Town Metropolitan Municipality to suit your needs.
Pyramid Rocks

#1 - Pyramid Rocks

South Africa, Western Cape, Cape Town

The area around Pyramid Rocks cleans up with a North westerly and South Westerly wind,and on good days the viz is more than 20meters.The Top of the Pyramid shaped rock can be seen breaking the surface in the distance,this is a long snorkel out to the rocks. This area has been a marine reserve for years so all the Delights of False bay can all be seen in one dive.There are quite a few different fish species the obvious are the Red Roman,John Brown,the Cape Knife jaw,Zebra's,Streepies and of course the National fish the Galjoen.Three species of shy shark,Pyjama,Gully shark and Soupfin are regularly spotted the juvenile Dusky's put in a rare appearance.The Attraction of this dive sight are the Seven gill spotted cow sharks,These slow swimming prehistoric looking sharks cruise lazily around the area between the shore and the Pyramid.Broad snouted they can get up to 3 meters in length.they have the unnerving habit of swimming straight at divers .the divers always give way.Potentially dangerous there have been no incidents of attack or aggression at this dive site. Large orange wall sponges jut out along the walls and thousands of micro organisms create stunning colours along the dive.Gas flame Nudibranchs and the cape dorid are some of the numerous nudibranchs to be seen. On one occasion we had to stop and wait for a whale to swim passed on our swim out,Also spotted here is the Cape Clawless otter. Pyramid Rocks is situated just before Castle rocks on the road to the Cape Point Nature Reserve. Travelling from Cape town you will pass through Fishhoek and Simons town.After the Millers Point turn off the road dips and then climbs again,at the bottom off the dip is a pull off area for about 2 vehicles.This is the Parking, you kit up here and walk down the path to the right to the dive entry spot. Pyramid Rocks is also known as The pinnicle.
Seal Island

#2 - Seal Island

South Africa, Western Cape, Cape Town

Known place for Shark Cage Diving. A Boat from the Harbour. Seal Island is also known as Shark Cage Experience.
Clan Stuart Wreck

#3 - Clan Stuart Wreck

South Africa, Western Cape, Cape Town

The Clan Stuart was a Brittish Terret steamer that ran aground on the 21st of November 1914 and although attempts were made to re-float her over a period of 4 months it was unsuccessful. Today you can still see the engine block breaking the surface which makes it very easy to spot from the road. Depth here is between 7 and 9 meters and you can see many large rays and puffadder shy sharks, not to mention various fish species. This is also a beautiful night dive but do ensure to have enough lighting as you need to cross the train tracks to get to the point of entry.Furthermore it is also well protected against the south westerly swell and in my opinion i have enjoyed the best dives here during autumn and winter. Visibility varies between 2 to 8 meters depending on weather conditions, but some have had the privilege of enjoying even better visibility, but this is rare.The risk factor is minimal, but larger sharks have been spotted here. Some boats also venture quite close at times so ensure a buoy be visible to indicate divers in the water. A permit is required to dive here which can be obtained from any post office. This site is situated on the way to Long Beach and is an easy accessible shore dive with enough parking. A short walk across the train tracks and you are at the point of entry. Sometimes swell can be tricky so take care when entering. Once in the water the wreck is about 50 meters from shore.
The Aster

#4 - The Aster

South Africa, Western Cape, Cape Town

Flat sand bottom at about 27m. The ship stands almost level imbedded in the bottom as if floating in sand. The bow points towards approximately 330° magnetic (northwest). Deep scouring at bow and stern, usually to about 28m maximum, depending on the tide. The vessel is is essentially intact and still looks much like when it was afloat. The hull is intact with a few holes cut in it, and the superstructure except for the wheelhouse, and tripod mast are also intact. There is a fairly large rectangular hatch just forward of the superstructure. The gunwale is at about 24m depth, and the boat is about 36m long. Top of the mast is at about 9m depth The Aster is marked on the charts at the same position as the Katsu Maru, but is about 30m to the northeast of the other wreck, and both can be visited on the same dive. Access is possible by boat only. The site is about a 2.2km ride from the harbour jetty. The wreck is in the harbour approaches, and there may be significant boat traffic Use sonar &side scanner for locating wreck
Buffels Bay

#5 - Buffels Bay

South Africa, Western Cape, Cape Town

Buffels Bay is a 0-star rated scuba dive and snorkel destination in South Africa, Western Cape, Cape Town which is accessible from shore based on 0 ratings.
RMS Athens Wreck

#6 - RMS Athens Wreck

South Africa, Western Cape, Cape Town

The RMS Athens was mercilessly thrown against the rocks near Mouille Point in the famous Cape Town Great Gale on the 17th May 1865. All 30 crew members tragically lost their lives in the gale storm. Along with this wreck, 14 other ships either ran aground or suffered damage, although no other lives were lost. The wreck can be accessed from Green Point which is half way between the Cape Town CBD and Sea Point.
Two Oceans Aquarium

#7 - Two Oceans Aquarium

South Africa, Western Cape, Cape Town

Great experiance... a lot of useful informations. Aquarium with just one non dangerous shark More from the aquarium website: Cape Town Aquarium
Justins Caves

#8 - Justins Caves

South Africa, Western Cape, Cape Town

Justin's caves is a circular collection of giant boulders which lie on top of one another creating overhangs,tunnels and some small caves.The largest roughly the size of a double garage.The centre of the dive site is relatively shallow about 5 meters but around the back of the rocks it drops down to 17metwrs.The prize of the dive is a little coral filled cavern which have a beautiful display of pink and purple Noble corrals.On a calm day this is a relatively easy dive but with a change of tide and wind the caves can get very surgy.water collects in the centre of the Bowl and flushes out through the caves gullies and tunnels.A thrilling ride for experienced divers but a frightening one for novices. The Atlantic can get a little chilly and on good vis days over 20 meters expect the temperature to be below 10 degrees Celsius. There are quite a few species of Nudibranchs here and large schools of fish.Breeding ground for rock lobster they can be from a couple of centimetres to some enormous grand daddies. Travelling from the city centre along the coast through Camps Bay Towards Hout bay,this Dive site sits slightly to the right in front of the beautiful white Apostles Hotel.This is the only building there. Justins Caves is also known as Justins.
Castle Rocks

#9 - Castle Rocks

South Africa, Western Cape, Cape Town

Castle Rocks cleans up with a North westerly and South Westerly wind,and on good days the viz is more than 20meters.Next to the Castle Rocks are some smaller rocks that curve out to sea creating a sheltered bay.The sheltered Bay varies in depth from 3-7meters and is ideal for snorkelling and Training dives.Once you leave the Bay and drop down the rocky reefs you can get about 18meters.The outside of the sheltered bay can become surgy so care should be taken with novice divers on the change of the tide.This area has been a marine reserve for years so all the Delights of False bay can all be seen in one dive.There are quite a few different fish species the obvious are the Red Roman,John Brown,the Cape Knife jaw,Zebra's,Streepies and of course the National fish the Galjoen.Three species of shy shark,Gully shark and Soupfin are regularly spotted the juvenile Dusky's put in a rare appearance. Large orange wall sponges jut out along the walls and thousands of micro organisms create stunning colours along the dive.Gas flame Nudibranchs and the cape dorid are some of the numerous nudibranchs to be seen. Castle rocks is one of the best shore dives on the Peninsula. Castle Rocks is situated just before the Cape Point Nature Reserve.Travelling from Cape town you will pass through Fishhoek and Simons town.The Coastal drive in itself is a tourist attraction.After the Millers Point turn off you will see a large outcrop of rocks.Not to hard to see why they are called Castle Rocks.Parking is on the side of the Road,about 15 meters above sea level,so you kit up here and walk down to the entry spot Castle Rocks is also known as Castle.
Strawberry Rocks

#10 - Strawberry Rocks

South Africa, Western Cape, Cape Town

This is an interesting dive site and should only taken on by divers who are up to a lengthy surface swim. It is best to dive here when the south easter blows and always keep this in mind as if a south wester blows it could make the surface swim back a difficult task.As with the other dive sites here you will experience very cold water so be prepared. The beauty here is still the kelp forests and I am sure it will be enjoyed by all and you are also more than likely to encounter a seal or more as they love basking in the sun and can often be seen on the large rock. Park in the exact same area as when diving at Justins or sandy Cove. Entry points are also the same although the swim there is a bit further.
Long Beach

#11 - Long Beach

South Africa, Western Cape

This is possibly the most popular site with regard to dive training as most centres conduct their OW training dives here. The easy access and calm waters make it ideal. You also have a wreck, named the "BATA", about 50 metres from shore which is home to quite a few specias of fish including the elusive Double sash Butterflyfish. Many Pufadder shysharks frequent this site as well as some large rays. As you enter Simons Town you turn left and follow a road to a small parking area. There are facilities such as bathrooms and shower. prior to diving here permission needs to be obtained from the SA Navy as they periodically conduct exercises in area. Long Beach is also known as BATA Wreck.
A Frame

#12 - A Frame

South Africa, Western Cape, Cape Town

After entering it is a short swim to the exact position indicated on the map. descend there and a short look around will show you a cave like swimthrough with some awesome sea life including various klipfish and nudibranch. To the right of the indicated area is a large rock which you can follow right around, but do take care of the current on the open ocean side. Here you can see many Cape Knifejaw and the elusive Galjoen which is a sought after fish for anglers. On occasion you may even encounter a playful Cape Clawless Otter or two. Do note that this is within the marine protected area and a permit is required to scuba duve here. Drive through Simons Town along the main road towards Boulders Beach. When you get to the turn off to Boulders on your left carry on for another 1km or so. There is parking available alongside the road where you gear up and then if you look on the map there is a pathway visible leading to the shore. Entry here is tricky and best go with someone who is familiar with this divesite as both entry points are over rocks and not easy to identify. Obviously if you are experienced you could try and enter at any other point you may regard safe, but do check the swell before making your decision.
The Maori Wreck

#13 - The Maori Wreck

South Africa, Western Cape, Cape Town

The Maori (British cargo ship) wrecked on 05th August 1909 in fog after colliding with a rock. Kelp and crayfish are in abundance and the wreck is in fairly good condition. Railway lines still lie in her aft. China and porcelain have been found on the wreck. The wreck is accessed from Hout Bay. Hout Bay is reached along the Penninsula Drive, departing Cape Town towards Sea Point, Stand and passing Llandudno.
Sandy Cove

#14 - Sandy Cove

South Africa, Western Cape, Cape Town

On the north side of the point at north Oudekraal.
Klein Tafelberg Reef

#15 - Klein Tafelberg Reef

South Africa, Western Cape

The dive site Klein Tafelberg Reef is an offshore rocky reef in the outer Hout Bay area on the Atlantic seaboard of the Cape Peninsula, near Cape Town in the Western Cape province of South Africa Maximum about is about 35m, and the top of the pinnacle about 14m The site is a huge granite outcrop with big boulders and a sand bottom in the deeper areas. The relief is very rugged and fairly spectacular in good visibility. There are the remains of a small yacht on a ledge part way doewn the north side of the pinnacle, and below that there are other outcrops to the north. It is cold and relatively deep, and a dry suit is recommended. This is a dive site where the use of Nitrox can be worthwhile to extend no-stop time The site is only accessible by boat. It is about 4.5km from Hout Bay Harbour and basically in the the mouth of the bay. A sonar is required to locate the exact spot. The site is exposed to south westerly swells, which can cause a strong surge. Klein Tafelberg Reef is also known as Salad Bowl, Yacht Reef.
Outer Castle

#16 - Outer Castle

South Africa, Western Cape, Cape Town

Outer Castle.This is the boat dive in line with the shore dive Castle Rock hence named outer Castle. About a 15-20min boat trip form Millers.The dive starts around a large rock a couple of meters below the surface.Average depth about 20 meters.You can swim around the Rock or swim off along one of the rock gully's that run off shoreward and seaward.Large Gorgonian sea fans line the ridges and attached them the magnificent Basket stars.Fish follow the divers waiting for a snack,some divers feed them. The rock is bell shaped and a small air filled cavity exists,just big enough for two heads. Always fun to pop in with a buddy and have a chat. All Divers meet and join there Dive boats from Miller's Point.These boat dives can be booked from any of the dozens of Dive shops in and around Cape Town.To reach Millers point you take the coastal road through Simonstown.The turnoff is signposted to the left.and immediately visible is the large tarred parking area.Here you kit up and proceed down to the slipway.All the dive boats leave from here to get one of the dozen or so frequented boat dive sites.
Blue Rock Quarry

#17 - Blue Rock Quarry

South Africa, Western Cape, Cape Town

This is a great dive when training for deeper dives. It is also great for underwater navigation exercises, but care should be taken. There are basically 2 spots that are dived and both are marked by buoys which are actually empty containers. When looking towards them from the entry point the spot on the right is the shallower dive which goes to about 25 meters. The spot to the left of that goes to about 40 meters although unconfirmed reports of even deeper dives have been heard of. This site is located just off the N2 highway below Sir Lowrys Pass. When driving on the N2 towards the pass turn left into Sir Lowry Road and follow the road for a few hundred meters before you turn left again. There are signs as well to assist. After this left turn follow the gravel road until you reach the buildings where there are facilities including fast foods and cloak rooms. You will have to pay about R120 should you wish to dive here.
Boulder's Rock

#18 - Boulder's Rock

South Africa, Western Cape, Cape Town

Boulder's Rock is a 0-star rated scuba dive and snorkel destination in South Africa, Western Cape, Cape Town which is accessible from shore based on 0 ratings.
Millers Point

#19 - Millers Point

South Africa, Western Cape, Cape Town

This is not a very popular shore dive in my opinion as most activity is that of the spear fishermen and you will seldom find scuba divers doing a shore dive. Yet, it is worth a try as you can encounter some large fish species here. Always take a buoy as boat traffic does frequent near this area. Millers Point is where most launches are done as it has a slipway which can be quite busy at times. Many, if not all, dive organisations do their launches from here when diving the Smitswinkel wrecks. Although better known for its slipway this makes for a nice shore dive as well with an easy access and pathway leading to the waters edge from the huge parking area. Always keep your vehicles doors closed as baboons have climbed into unattended cars before.
Antipolis Wreck

#20 - Antipolis Wreck

South Africa, Western Cape, Cape Town

The Antipolis and Romelia was under tow by the tug, Kiyo Maru 2,when the tow cable snagged on the sea bed resulting in the cables breaking. The Antipolis was blown towards shore by strong winds and rough seas where it ran aground near Oudekraal. This is a tough dive with regards to the entry and the fact that there are steel plating with ragged and sharp edges. The water is also very cold. This site is situated very close to Sandy Cove, Oudekraal and Justins Cave. Park alongside the road opposite the Twelve Apostles Hotel on the yellow line as there is no other parking and you will note everyone parks there. After gearing up it is short walk along a narrow path followed by a tricky climb over large rocks and boulders.
Star walls

#21 - Star walls

South Africa, Western Cape, Cape Town

This is a deep dive and is the longest and tallest wall dive in the area. The wall starts at a maximum depth of 32m and comes up to about 8m. The wall is covered in a variety of sponges, corals, ascidians and invertebrates. Nudibranchs, crabs and small fish makes for good macro photography. During summer months visibility can be quite good, up to 20m, but the water temperature will as cold as 10 C. Access to this site is by boat only, launching from Hout Bay harbour. Most charter companies will dive this site during summer when conditions are best.