Viz (last reported 13254h ago)
Max Depth
Snorkeling and Scuba Diving at Blue Water Adventure
I was certified here, and as far as it goes it was a pretty good setup. There was a small dive shop for small things that may have been forgotten, and they did refill tanks. There was also an area for kids or non-divers to sit and watch the action from above. In the water, there is several wrecked vehicles (one, a 65 Mustang was supposedly Janis Joplin's, don't know how true that was!) , boats, a school bus, 2 fire trucks and several other odd attractions. And a few fish too! Visibility varies, as more people come and go the water gets murkier, but it had pretty good visibility. Web address is http://divealabama.com/
I-65 to exit 246, Pelham… Take a right at the light, follow signs for 31S. Turn Left at Pelham Parkway (still following 31 S). Turn Right on Industrial Park Drive, you will see the huge dive sign. Park is on left past sign.
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Tide Report
Darren from Dublin
Aug 1, 2006, 12:00 AM
What a great place to get wet! After being stranded in northern Alabama for 3 weeks, this was a welcome break. Drove 2 hours, and it was worth it. Viz was as good as 30 feet in some areas, not so good at the bottom, which was very soft. I'm sure it's loved by locals, but if you're visiting the area it only takes 1-2 days to see it all.
Originally posted on shorediving.com
Morgan D'Antonio
May 23, 2006, 12:00 AM
Alabama Blue Water is entirely about diving. No boaters, no beach, and no hassles. Their conditions are almost perfect for diver training or for the experienced diver to practice. Why? Simple, because the actual conditions (vis, bottom, etc.) are by no means ideal. Thus making the training you get there ideal for just about anywhere you go next! Visibility is good enough to see your buddy, but also forces you to stay close. The bottom is murky and silty, forcing you to learn good fin technique and buoyancy. And for the beginner the surface and below the surface is loaded with platforms (wooden decks both floating and submerged) allowing even large classes to kneel and practice basic skills, from 10' to 35' down. For the advanced diver there are true 'blue water' conditions and chilly (48F) 130' depths. The surface is warm (70+) with no waves or current.
Originally posted on shorediving.com