Boca Bartol North

Boca Bartol North

Bonaire North, ABC Islands
Entry Map
Viz (last reported 158547h ago)
Max Depth
32.8 ft

Snorkeling and Scuba Diving at Boca Bartol North

This is the northern-most shore diving spot on Bonaire. Since the rugged Northeast coast is just a few km from this site, you can imagine that the diving could be a little dodgy. Pick a good day when the winds are from the South or Southeast, and you'll be able to explore some relatively unvisited areas. Hopefully, you have a good map that will get you to the Rincon Village! Once in the village, look for the signs that will point you to the Washington Park entrance. You then will wind your way through about 4 km of well-paved roads to get to the park.
entry map
Sep 21, 2021, 1:03 AM
This is just beyond the entrance of the Washington Slagbaai National Park. The roads are in generally good condition due to the maintenance which comes from your park entry fees. The entry is a little rocky. Don't attempt this dive during a high surf day. Parking is just off the hard-packed dirt road. The entry is just to your left, and Boca Bartol South is in the background.
Robert Crow
Robert Crow
Apr 8, 2003, 12:00 AM
OK, Diver Dudes and Dudettes, I just got back from a killer vacation in Bonaire, and this is one of the most challenging sites I ever dived here! I guess when the weather is right, it's a pretty easy entry, but there were some swells we had to fight. Reminded me of California diving. There are lots of big rocks around, so you got to watch your step, and its not fun when a wave crashes you into them! So don't dive this site unless the weather is good there are other sites in the park that are easier if the weather is bad. Anyway, head out slightly to the left and you'll find a slope heading down to some coral heads under a 100 feet. We actually saw a pretty good size grouper, and a school of Barracuda swimming in the current just sorta hanging out. I heard some bigger stuff can be found around here, but we didn't want to go out too far out, since there was a current. Be careful following the bottom cause you can go too deep without knowing it. We didn't make it all the way down to the coral heads, but stayed in shallower and headed south with the current to end up a the south end of the beach.. Along the way, we saw sea fans and sponges, all were in pretty good condition, since this site isn't dived too much. Matter of fact, there was no one else there the whole time. This is a great place to bring a lunch, especially on the south side of the beach. If you do want to do your exit on the south, make sure you scope it out first since there are a lot of rocks and coral channels to swim through. There are some more awesome dives in the park, and I'll write about those later. Have fun, it's a great dive!
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