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Dave D

Dave D's Dive Log


3 dives

1000 Steps on 11/13/2005
Dave D
Dave D
Nov 13, 2005, 12:00 AM
The 69 steps down are easy. If you can't do the steps---maybe you shouldn't be diving at all. As for theft from your truck, leave it open and carry your valuables down---thieves are lazy. Very nice dive in every way.
Karpata on 11/13/2005
Dave D
Dave D
Nov 13, 2005, 12:00 AM
Most pleasant dive. Don't let the entry scare you off. It was worth it. Almost a true wall dive. Massive sand chutes that run vertical hold amazing photo ops.
Gulliver's Lake on 6/24/2005
Dave D
Dave D
Jun 24, 2005, 12:00 AM
We Spent the Day snorkeling around the lake and found many points of interest. In the north east corner of the lake where the spring water feeds up through the bottom is a must see. The Fish like to swim along and at times it looks like you have 50 of them behind you. Visibility is around 20 - 25 feet.