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Stuart's Dive Log


1 dives

Honolua Bay on 11/2/2010
Nov 2, 2010, 12:00 AM
We did 2 tanks here in early September. We first walked down to the water and politely asked the Hawaiian family if we could bring our minivan down near the water to do our dives. The man was very nice and told us to drive down and park about 50 yards from the water. This was great as we didn't really want to be hiking up and down with our scuba gear and full 5mm suits in the hot weather. The spot we parked was also in the shade which was a bonus. We followed the reef to the right for our first tank and saw several species of eels, a very large Hawaiian scorpion fish, turtle cleaning station with 3 turtles, and lots of larger reef fish than other Maui sites. 108 min 35 fsw max depth. Second tank we went left and saw a lot of the same although the reef on the right seemed healthier. 2nd tank 80 min 38 fsw max depth.