Viz (last reported 105243h ago)
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Snorkeling and Scuba Diving at Lumber Dock
Located in the commercial fishing area of Garibaldi, the Lumber Dock is a great place for finding crabs. Generally the area is protected from boaters, but a dive flag is recommended. An interesting note: there is no law in Oregon that says a boat must stay away from a dive flag. This is a very dangerous situation. Stop by Doug's Diving (in the background of the second entrance photo below) and sign their petition for a minimum safe boating distance to divers.
From Portland, take Highway 26 West to Highway 6 West into Tillamook on the coast. Drive North 9.9 miles into the Heart of Garibaldi, and turn left onto 7th Street as shown below.
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Tide Report
Sep 21, 2021, 1:05 AM
It's an easy climb down the rocks and into the water.
Park away from the equipment staging area.
From the trailer parking area, pull into this gravel turnout. You'll see the dock at the edge of the gravel pad. There are restroom facilities off to the left in the paved parking lot.
It should be safe to dive within the dock and piling area. Beware of boaters if you venture out into the deeper water.
Ben & Stacey Pelster
Jan 18, 2013, 12:00 AM
This was my husband and my first solo dive out of cert. We were going to go to the lumber dock, but instead dove off the Crab dock nearby, which was easy entry with stairs down to the water, and good conditions. Very nice August day, Visibility was 15 ft. Depth of water under the Crab dock building was only about 15ft max. Picked up 10 cockles, hubbie got 12, could have gotten more but spent a lot of time figuring out where to go to get depth when diving. The beds of clams are right under the crab dock, and you can practically scoop up the sand and come up with a clam, they're that thick! They're as big as your fist too. We entered at slack, but coming back was difficult. It was a long swim out to the end of the dock, which we did at slack, but upon return we were in the strong current which kept pushing us toward the dock. Took a while to get back, but in retrospect, if caught in that current again, I'd just go under the dock to get out on the south beach, and make a few crabbers angry than fight the current to exit at the same point of entry.
Originally posted on shorediving.com
River Pirate
Apr 25, 2010, 12:00 AM
Just did a dive here. Current swing was big and moving (coming in). Vis. on top was about 4-5ft. Down below that, it was about 1-2ft. Saw very little plant life or animal life. A few crabs, but all small; a lot of clams. Never went beyond the pilings. Max Depth 14'. Mud bottom. A place to go when the jetty is un-dividable.
Originally posted on shorediving.com
Bill Osburn
Nov 21, 2003, 12:00 AM
Been here a few times, what made this dive better was visibility 15 to 20 ft. Not too many keeper crabs this is definitely a clam dive. Surf was bit more choppy but then the rain was coming down hard and the wind was very fierce. This is my first year diving so what I have been told is that the algae has died down making the water more blue rather than the green I was used to. Saw a few pile perch here before that would be worth taking, but nothing over 4" this time. Great dive for a beginner.
Originally posted on shorediving.com
Bill Osburn
Oct 21, 2003, 12:00 AM
Good place for clams and some crabs, bottom full of little crabs. Not too much else to see here but haven't ventured much past the dock. Vis is usually not too good but hit it usually as the tide is going out so that is expected. A few rocks to climb down to the shore but ok after that, rocky bottom (small med) dock supports are good to steady yourself on. Not many fish here and not worth trying to spear the ones that are there they need to grow quite a bit. Large parking lot full of boat trailers and vehicles so the little area just next to the dock is usually accessible. Good dive to start with or to hit if there isn't much tide exchange. Lots of clams
Originally posted on shorediving.com
Scott Richardson
Dec 17, 2002, 12:00 AM
I dive here sometimes out of boredom but there is really not much to see. It's a sandy, rocking bottom. I usually do well getting crab here as well as clams but the vis can get bad and it's pretty boring.
Originally posted on shorediving.com
Jeff Breazile
Dec 14, 2001, 12:00 AM
Did 2 dives here one day because the Jetty was too rough. Vis was about ~5ft current was manageable, but it did sweep away all the mud we kicked up chasing crabs and digging clams. Bottom is all mud, nothing very interesting, the dock pilings provide shelter to the usual suspects, lots of perch, some Dungeness, lots of red rock crab. Tons of clams! Picked up a limit of steamer clams in 1/2 a dive. Fun dive if there is nothing else diveable. Interesting note on the warning above about dive flags and boats, when I dove here it was salmon season so the bay was packed full of boats. Naturally we used a dive flag because we wanted to explore the outside of the dock pilings also. We placed the flag off the end of the dock in about 18-20ft of water. On our second dive we heard a boat right on top of us, when we surfaced under the pilings to investigate it was some fisherman in a small aluminum boat taking our dive flag and float!?!?!? We yelled at them and they threw it back in the water and sped off!
Originally posted on shorediving.com
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