BavariaBaden-WürttembergNorth Rhine-WestphaliaSchleswig-HolsteinSaxonyBrandenburgLower SaxonyMecklenburg-VorpommernSaxony-AnhaltThuringiaRheinland-PfalzBremenHessenBerlinSaarland
Top Snorkeling and Scuba Diving in Germany
Ready to check out the best sites in Germany for scuba diving, snorkeling, shore diving, free diving or other ocean activities? Zentacle has 100 dive sites, snorkel spots, beaches, and more. Discover hand-curated maps, along with reviews and photos from nature lovers like you.
No matter what you're looking for, you can find a diverse range of the best ocean activities in Germany to suit your needs.
#1 - Dive 4 Live
Germany, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Indoor DiveCenter.
Nice chance for warm water dive during winter season or as preparation for dive novices..
#2 - Königshüttesee
Germany, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Königshüttesee is a 5.0-star rated scuba dive and snorkel destination in Germany, Nordrhein-Westfalen which is accessible from shore based on 1 ratings.
#3 - Eixer See
Germany, Bremen Niedersachsen
Eixer See is a 5.0-star rated scuba dive and snorkel destination in Germany, Bremen Niedersachsen which is accessible from shore based on 1 ratings.
#5 - Kempfenhausen
Germany, Bayern, Starnberger See
Kempfenhausen is a 3.0-star rated scuba dive and snorkel destination in Germany, Bayern, Starnberger See which is accessible from shore based on 2 ratings.
#6 - Straussee
Germany, Berlin Brandenburg
You need a permission to dive here.
You get the permission from
#7 - Stotternheimer See
Germany, Thueringen
Stotternheimer See is a 0-star rated scuba dive and snorkel destination in Germany, Thueringen which is accessible from shore based on 0 ratings.
#8 - Lütschestausee
Germany, Thueringen
Lütschestausee is a 0-star rated scuba dive and snorkel destination in Germany, Thueringen which is accessible from shore based on 0 ratings.
#9 - Blaue Grotte
Germany, Sachsen
Blaue Grotte is a 0-star rated scuba dive and snorkel destination in Germany, Sachsen which is accessible from shore based on 0 ratings.
#10 - Kulkwitzer See
Germany, Sachsen
Camp ground with cabins, trailor and tent sites. Exaltant set up with refills of Air and Nitrox at the waters edge. Entrance and exit of the lake is marked well. Sandy small rocks easy to walk on. exaltant to just walk in get set up and gradual slope to dive depth. dive plat form is 71 feet high coming with in 15 feet of the surface.
A plane is available near 20m deep.
#11 - Kreidesee Hemmoor
Germany, Bremen Niedersachsen
Diving Season: All Year The lake was originally times a mine, was dismantled by chalk. Initially, it was around the lake: 130m deep, but after the old buildings and blown into the lake have been tilted, remained 'still' a maximum depth of about 57-60m.
In Germany, the Kreidesee is my favourite dive site!
Hemmoor, Kreidesee
Kreidesee Hemmoor is also known as Kreidesee Hemmoor.
#12 - Messinghausen Quarry
Germany, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Located within the Diemelsee Natural Park; just southwest of Messinghausen.
Messinghausen Quarry is also known as Diemelsee.
#13 - Baggersee Diez
Germany, Rheinland-Pfalz
It is an old quarry, the rock formations are impressive!
There is an underwater trail created along a cable for divers. There is an old VW Beetle, a tube to dive through, two platforms and a tent with a doll and a bike.
The lake is host to a good number of perches, a big pike and a sturgeon. You will also find a lot of mussels, crayfish and even freshwater jellyfish.
The lake is privately owned and open to divers and swimmers for a fee. Particularly on sunny weekends or during the summer vacations, the lake can be extremely crowded with swimmers, and the visibility is extremely poor in that period. Best to visit in April and May (cold, but very good vis). The lake is closed from October to April. Divers need to make a reservation, as numbers allowed to dive at one time is limited (35 divers). Contact and further info under
Baggersee Diez is also known as Steinbruch Limburg / Diez.
#14 - Gasometer Duisburg
Germany, Nordrhein-Westfalen
The TauchRevierGasometer is europe's largest indoor diving center.
Gasometer Duisburg is also known as Gasometer.
#16 - Echinger Weiher
Germany, Bayern
Even in summer, water temp doesn't exceed 16°C.
Springs prevent from freeze during winter.
Allowed to unload dive equipment at the entrance, however, car need to be parked outside the area before diving. Short walk back to the lake (3min).
Diving fee is 8,- € / day (vending machine, coins only!)
#17 - Rursee Bank 1
Germany, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Only weekend operation. On parking Schmid is a shuttle service with a transport. Fee 10 euro per day for non VDST - TSVRNW members
#18 - Hitdorfer See
Germany, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Hitdorfer See is a 0-star rated scuba dive and snorkel destination in Germany, Nordrhein-Westfalen which is accessible from shore based on 0 ratings.
#20 - Untergrombach
Germany, Baden-Wuerttemberg
Untergrombach is also known as Metzgerallmendsee.
#21 - Vogelstangsee
Germany, Baden-Wuerttemberg
Vogelstangsee is a 0-star rated scuba dive and snorkel destination in Germany, Baden-Wuerttemberg which is accessible from shore based on 0 ratings.
#23 - Sankt Leoner See
Germany, Baden-Wuerttemberg
Sankt Leoner See is a 0-star rated scuba dive and snorkel destination in Germany, Baden-Wuerttemberg which is accessible from shore based on 0 ratings.
#24 - Steinberger See
Germany, Bayern
Steinberger See is a 0-star rated scuba dive and snorkel destination in Germany, Bayern which is accessible from shore based on 0 ratings.
#25 - Speicherbecken Geeste
Germany, Bremen Niedersachsen
perfect for dive training and eel-over crowded night dives
Parking Lot.
Speicherbecken Geeste is also known as Lingen.
#26 - Bevertalsperre
Germany, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Access near Nautico Diving Centre at camping-site II. You see a diving-buoy.
Bevertalsperre is also known as Bever.
#27 - Sorpesee
Germany, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Parking Lot, 100m walk down to the Water.
A44 to junction Werl, A445 direction Arnsberg / Meschede, Arnsberg-Hüster descent direction Hachen or Sundern (B229 south), or from Hachen Sundern signs, parking lots above the lake
Enter the Camping Site Office, "say hello" and get yourself registered.
Open for diving from 15.11.-31.03.
Sorpesee is also known as Sorpe Sommertauchplatz.
#28 - Sassnitz Beach
Germany, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Sassnitz Beach is also known as Hafen.
#29 - Weuste
Germany, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Weuste is a 0-star rated scuba dive and snorkel destination in Germany, Nordrhein-Westfalen which is accessible from shore based on 0 ratings.
#30 - Blausteinsee
Germany, Nordrhein-Westfalen
training platforms, christmas tree, bycicle, some truck cabins, sailboat wreck
Easy orientation by use of lines
#31 - Matschelsee
Germany, Baden-Wuerttemberg
Interresting dive site for the region. Quite deep. Water may be very(!) cold and visibility poor. If not experienced with bad conditions make sure you don't go to deep. The lake belongs to a private person. Access may become restricted or forbidden.
On the Highway A5 take the Exit Lahr then direction Allmannsweier and Kürzell.
At the intersection take a right turn instead of going in the direction of Kürzell.
#32 - Erlichsee
Germany, Baden-Wuerttemberg
Erlichsee is a 0-star rated scuba dive and snorkel destination in Germany, Baden-Wuerttemberg which is accessible from shore based on 0 ratings.
#33 - Möwensee
Germany, Thueringen
Möwensee is a 0-star rated scuba dive and snorkel destination in Germany, Thueringen which is accessible from shore based on 0 ratings.
#36 - Auesee
Germany, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Auesee is a 0-star rated scuba dive and snorkel destination in Germany, Nordrhein-Westfalen which is accessible from shore based on 0 ratings.
#37 - Ãœberlingen Parkhaus Post
Germany, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Bodensee
nothing for beginners! bring with you a torch
You park in the parkhouse. There it is ideal for all weather and temperature. No easy diving place.
#38 - Riedsee
Germany, Hessen
Riedsee is a 0-star rated scuba dive and snorkel destination in Germany, Hessen which is accessible from shore based on 0 ratings.
#39 - Sundhäuser See
Germany, Thueringen
Sundhäuser See is also known as Nordhausener Tauchersee, Sundhauser See.
#40 - Mergelbänke
Germany, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Mergelbänke is also known as Rerik Ostsee.
#41 - Teufelsschlucht
Germany, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Teufelsschlucht is also known as Rerik Ostseee.
#42 - Strande
Germany, Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein
Use by divingschools from Kiel and Northern Germany
Lots of Laminaria saccharina
Clouds of Mysids
Strande is also known as Mole Strande.
#43 - Baggersee Grötzingen
Germany, Baden-Wuerttemberg
Baggersee Grötzingen is a 0-star rated scuba dive and snorkel destination in Germany, Baden-Wuerttemberg which is accessible from shore based on 0 ratings.
#44 - Tauchzentrum Giegenstein
Germany, Sachsen
Tauchzentrum Giegenstein is also known as Giegenstein.
#45 - Großer Monheimer See
Germany, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Großer Monheimer See is also known as Krämersee.
#46 - Indoortauchzentrum
Germany, Nordrhein-Westfalen
This an indoor-diving-center, managed by Montemare.
Indoortauchzentrum is also known as Montemare Rheinbach.
#47 - Baggersee Linkenheim
Germany, Baden-Wuerttemberg
Baggersee Linkenheim is also known as Streitköpflesee.
#48 - Baggersee Eggenstein
Germany, Baden-Wuerttemberg
Only on weekdays
No night diving
No training
Baggersee Eggenstein is also known as Fuch und Gros.
#49 - Neuteschendorf
Germany, Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein
Another easy-to-dive spot at the german shore to the baltic sea. Nothing spectacular, but fields of nicely overgrown smaller rocks and stones guarantee some nice encounters with the typical smaller marine life of the baltics. We have seen some scorpion fish, pipefish, common gudgeon and of course jellyfish.
In essence, people not familiar with marine life or expecting for sharks are usually disappointed, macro photographers may be hard to get out of the water.
#50 - Streitköpflesee Linkenheim
Germany, Baden-Wuerttemberg
good visibility and one of the better divespots in the region
#51 - Waidsee
Germany, Baden-Wuerttemberg
Waidsee is a 0-star rated scuba dive and snorkel destination in Germany, Baden-Wuerttemberg which is accessible from shore based on 0 ratings.
#52 - Kleiner Monheimer See
Germany, Nordrhein-Westfalen
see also Großer Monheimer See, it's side by side
Kleiner Monheimer See is also known as kleiner Krämersee.
#53 - Diver's Aufkirchen
Germany, Bayern
Indoor Diving Center
Diver's Aufkirchen is also known as Divers World Restaurant.
#54 - Steinbruch Wildschuetz
Germany, Sachsen
Steinbruch Wildschuetz is a 0-star rated scuba dive and snorkel destination in Germany, Sachsen which is accessible from shore based on 0 ratings.
#55 - Naturagart Ibbenbüren
Germany, Nordrhein-Westfalen
New dive park with caves, a wreck, they built a temple under water... Was built in 2005
#56 - Grienenbergsee
Germany, Bremen Niedersachsen
Grienenbergsee is a 0-star rated scuba dive and snorkel destination in Germany, Bremen Niedersachsen which is accessible from shore based on 0 ratings.
#57 - Brückentinsee
Germany, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Brückentinsee is a 0-star rated scuba dive and snorkel destination in Germany, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern which is accessible from shore based on 0 ratings.
#58 - Jaegerweiher
Germany, Rheinland-Pfalz
You need to have permission to dive here.
Reservations can be made under
Open for diving from April till October
Jaegerweiher is also known as Blaue Adria.
#59 - Campingplatz Überlingen
Germany, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Bodensee
At the überlingen camping ground you are allowed to dive if you stay there over night. Easy entry over stairways, then a wall going down to 30m. Than mudy ground going fast to 50m. Very dark and cold, even in summer you only have 4 degrees celsius at about 40m.
Campingplatz Überlingen is also known as "S`Plätzle".
#60 - Marxweiher
Germany, Rheinland-Pfalz
You need to have permission to dive here.
Reservations under
Diving from 15 April till 15 September.
Marxweiher is also known as Marx'er Weiher.
#61 - Liegewiese
Germany, Bayern, Starnberger See
Good site for Tec-Dive.
The road to the dive site is restricted, usually you'd need a permission to drive there, but divers are tolerated to pass the way. There are some parking lots at the dive site, but: unless you don't have the drive-through license you're not allowed to park here! Quite confusing and frustrating, it's an about 15min walk to park legally (=outside the resident's zone). Otherwise you need to consider a ticket for illegal parking.. about 15€!
Liegewiese is also known as Starnberger See - Wintertauchplatz.
#62 - Althäuser See
Germany, Baden-Wuerttemberg
Parkplatz & Restaurant direkt am See. Eintritt 10.- EUR incl 1 Flaschenfüllung
#63 - Heye-See
Germany, Bremen Niedersachsen
In the western part of the lake lays a platform for training issues (6m) from the DLRG.
Directly from the shore. Sandy ground.
#64 - Bostalsee
Germany, Saarland
Bostalsee is a 0-star rated scuba dive and snorkel destination in Germany, Saarland which is accessible from shore based on 0 ratings.
#65 - Meersburg Faehre
Germany, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Bodensee
Very hard to get a parking spot.
It is a very nice wall and big rocks under water.
#66 - Tauchguerilla-Riff
Germany, Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein
The city of Eckernförde and the "Tauchguerilla Schleswig-Holstein", an association of various independent divers from the region, have built an artificial reef made of prefabricated parts. This is for the revival of the flora and fauna, but also for the dive tourism. It is fun, to discover this large reef and its residents!
Guerilla diving reef in Eckernförde on Außenmole:
At the end of the Eckernförde Harbor, where the beach begins, is the Außenmole. A very nice and varied diving area. Parking facilities are sufficiently available. From Jungfernstieg go from the left side of the parking garage on a large car park. From there its only a few meters walk.
Tauchguerilla-Riff is also known as künstliches Riff Ecktown.
#67 - Rheinbach Indoor Pool
Germany, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Rheinbach Indoor Pool is also known as Monte Mare.
#68 - Waldsee
Germany, Bayern
surrounded by trees, a beautiful lake.
there is not much to see, but to train quite ok.
#69 - Ilsesee
Germany, Bayern
Diving from Saturday 11AM to Monday 6AM forbidden.
#70 - Hennesee Sommertauchplatz
Germany, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Hennesee Sommertauchplatz is a 0-star rated scuba dive and snorkel destination in Germany, Nordrhein-Westfalen which is accessible from shore based on 0 ratings.
#71 - Hennesee Wintertauchplatz
Germany, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Southeast of Dortmund
Hennesee Wintertauchplatz is also known as Hennesee Winter Tauchplatz.
#72 - Neffelsee
Germany, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Diving allowed for DLRG only!
Zülpich. Access restrictions; check for authorization first.
Neffelsee is also known as Füssenicher See.
#73 - Aschau
Germany, Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein
Don't dive in the lagoon.
Contact the dive shop for more infos
#74 - Apfel-Granit-Steinbruch
Germany, Bayern
Apfel-Granit-Steinbruch is also known as Prünster Weiher.
#76 - Binsfeld Gaensedreck
Germany, Rheinland-Pfalz
Registration required!
Binsfeld Gaensedreck is also known as Gaensedrecksee.
#78 - Rahmer Lake
Germany, Nordrhein-Westfalen
The lake is administrated by the Aquarius Dive Center. For access check the calender at the website as list: The price is 5,- EUR per person and day.
Rahmer Lake is also known as Rahmer See.
#79 - Gützsee / Landsberg
Germany, Sachsen-Anhalt
Gützsee / Landsberg is a 0-star rated scuba dive and snorkel destination in Germany, Sachsen-Anhalt which is accessible from shore based on 0 ratings.
#80 - Nagoldtalsperre
Germany, Baden-Wuerttemberg
actually only good for training. platform on 5m. one fish if you´re lucky. otherwise nothing special.
by car. 1h south west from stuttgart.
#81 - Silbersee
Germany, Bayern
Silbersee is a 0-star rated scuba dive and snorkel destination in Germany, Bayern which is accessible from shore based on 0 ratings.
#82 - hemmenhofen
Germany, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Bodensee
very easy entry. first sandy and stony, then lake plants. first hundred meters flat, 0 - 2m. good for training or diving with children. after 100 meters it slopes down to 13 - 16m. look out for funny toilet bowl (6m). you might see some eels if you´re lucky.
A81, Singen, L192, Gaienhofen, Hemmenhofen. Directly from Park, Beach.
#83 - Salzgittersee
Germany, Bremen Niedersachsen
Salzgittersee is also known as Tauchsportgemeinschaft "Sepia" Salzgitter.
#84 - Blankenburger See
Germany, Bremen Niedersachsen
Blankenburger See is a 0-star rated scuba dive and snorkel destination in Germany, Bremen Niedersachsen which is accessible from shore based on 0 ratings.
#85 - Anglersee Brühl
Germany, Baden-Wuerttemberg