Britannia Beach Dock

Britannia Beach Dock

Vancouver, BC, Canada
Entry Map
Viz (last reported 89410h ago)
Max Depth

Snorkeling and Scuba Diving at Britannia Beach Dock

Britannia Beach Dock is the site of the old Customs House of years gone by. The area has a lot of history due to the large copper processing plant just across the street, which makes the waters perfect for treasure hunters. While off-gassing, you may want to take a tour of the mine! Heading North from Horseshoe Bay, after about 32km you'll see a large mining facility to the right, and the railroad crossing below to the left.
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Tide Report
Sep 21, 2021, 1:04 AM
To the left of the parking, you'll find the remnants of an old concrete boat ramp. Carefully climb down, and it will be easy going from there! Drive beyond the white building, and then take a sharp left into the Britannia Beach Community Dock. With the Old Customs House in the background, drive over these tracks and then take a sharp right. The exploration area is that wreck-of-a-dock on the point. Carry your dive flag to alert the boaters of your presence.
Aug 9, 2014, 12:00 AM
Return to the wrecks and went to find the wall. Wrecks are easy to find, just around the pilings right in front of Galileos. GUE has actually taken responsibility of the wrecks. They are recording info on them, so the wrecks are actually marked by buoys on the surface. The wall was a bit tricky and luckily just bumped into it near the end of the dive. The ships that used to mark its location is gone. You can find it going perpendicular to the third piling to the right out of four (if you are looking towards them in the water) in the inlet right of the inlet the wrecks are in. Easy access (and parking) at the public marina/art gallery. Just park and the access is to the left. Some interesting things to see, there is a huge (like, the footprint of a house) on the way to the wall if you are coming in from the wrecks side. A lot of large fish hide in the folds. Very interesting because most of it is just desolate sand, flounders, and shrimp. The Cape Swain is in better shape than I have been told. As is the other two ships. Here's the RAW footage. Not terribly interesting on film but the dives were great.
Originally posted on
Russell Clark
Russell Clark
Jan 15, 2013, 12:00 AM
Britannia Beach is split into two parts, Britannia South and Britannia North. Britannia South: Site of the former CGS Ready, Mystery 1 and Mystery 2 wrecks. Max depth 50 feet, winter dive only as the viz in the summer is zero. A fun dive with three wrecks in one 45/60 minute dive. Good for all certs, no currents but choppy surface can make entry tricky at times. Super fine silt bottom means good finning is needed. CGS Ready is a new wreck, two years old and full of life. The Mystery 1 and Mystery 2 wrecks have been submerged longer and are wooden vessels. Marine life includes ling cod, schools of perch and tube snout, gobies and crabs. Britannia North: Site of an unconfirmed wreckage, from 40 feet depth going down to 100 foot depth. About 180 foot long the structure is a large vertical wooden wall, with abundant marine life. Ling cod, nudibranches, gobies and crabs. No currents, easy access from nearby boat ramp, good viz in winter months and an interesting structure. Dive maps, images, FAQ and more information can be found at
Originally posted on
Jun 10, 2012, 12:00 AM
They have gated the entrance to the dock area so there is no obvious place to park. I don't think it is safe to park outside the gate near the north boat ramp.
Originally posted on
Shane Hayes
Shane Hayes
Dec 6, 2004, 12:00 AM
Dove this site and found it to be very challenging. The bottom drops off sharply and continues to over three hundred fathoms. Lots of silt run off from local streams so vis is sketchy on the North side of the dive. Some interesting tid bits of history to be found for the patient diver. Little life but still a very good dive for advanced and technical divers. Large bone bed (from ships dumping kitchen waste during the early 1900's). I Highly recommend this dive to technical divers looking for a local challenge!
Originally posted on
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